The relationship between earning and price momentum with respect to the life cycle and the size; evidences from Iran’s capital market


  • Mohammad Eftekhari Master of Science in Accounting, Department of Management, Science and Research Branch Markazi, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • Majid Zanjirdar Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Arak Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • Maryam Sharifnejad Lecturer, Department of Management, Arak Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran Iran, Islamic Republic of


portfolio, share earnings momentum, share price momentum, life cycle, firm size


The present research aims to study the relationship between earning and price momentum in the companies listed in Tehran’s Stock Exchange with respect to the life cycle and the size. For this purpose, the data for 80 companies listed in Tehran’s Stock Exchange, during 2006 to 2011 has been gathered. In this study, research hypotheses are tested by multi-factor regression model and F-test and also T-test. The findings obtained in this research indicate that there is a significant relationship between earnings momentum and share price momentum, and the variables of life cycle and firm size are among the factors affecting the relationship between main variables and also increase the modified determination coefficient. So that, in large companies which are in mature stage of life cycle, this relationship is confirmed and it is rejected at other stages.


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How to Cite

Eftekhari, M. ., Zanjirdar, M. ., & Sharifnejad, M. . (2014). The relationship between earning and price momentum with respect to the life cycle and the size; evidences from Iran’s capital market. Agricultural Advances, 3(5), 285-295. Retrieved from


